“There’s no greater gift you can offer to another person than to empower them to believe in THEIR ability to BECOME the change they wish to see in themselves. Teach them to recognize the power they posses and they will SOAR.”

Luther Freeman is Founder and President of 30 Day Transformation Team, a global fitness company for the masses that offers a tailored approach to transforming the life of individuals at every spectrum from a young boy and girl to the elite professional athletes.


The success of this platform has allowed him to pursue his greatest passion, to share his voice with audiences everywhere that ignites a fire within that moves them to action.


His unique approach to engage the leader within an individual to RISE has positioned him amongst some of today’s strongest leaders such as Steve Harvey, Dwyane Wade, Grant Hill, John Grey and many more. Through his dynamic inspiration and conversation Luther empowers men, women and young persons alike to gain clarity on their unique path that will result in a life changing transformation.



Join Luther at:

Dwyane Wade Celebrity Sports Academy – Miami




Jul 6, 2019 to Jul 7, 2019

Fort Lauderdale, FL

7 to 18

Jul 5, 2019 5:00pm CST

Book Me
